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John Marshall High School
Class of 1966

Best Wishes to all JMHS Alumni and Families this

Holiday Season!


Our fellow Jurist and Class of '65 member Gary Brandt has just published his second book. Congratulations Gary. He says this is the second in a planned trilogy about a family in Western New York and Canada. I've read his first book and highly recommend it. Books by G.A. Brandt - Sutter Communications (

I'm looking forward to reading this new one. I've asked for it either for Christmas or my Birthday.

It That Pleases Them: The Awakening and Redemption of Chaucer Giroux: Brandt, G. A.: 9781732988170: Books

Everyone take care and enjoy the Holiday Season! 

John Townes


To My Fellow Classmates and Associates

Let us all follow this excerpt of a reflection on life from Saint
Francis de Paul today and everyday.

"Imitate a little child, whom one sees holding tight with one hand to its mother or Father, while with the other hand it gathers strawberries or blackberries from a wayside hedge. Even so,while you gather and use this world's goods with one hand, always let the other be fast in your heavenly Father's hand, and look round and round from
time to time to make sure that he is satisfied with what you are doing at home or away. Thinking of you all. Be well. Gary Cronk 66

Ode to Class of '66

In '61 they swarmed the halls,

like ants attacking honey!

Some were timid, some were bashful,

a few thought they were funny!

Crowded hallways, crowded stairways,

a routine completely new!

There were Peggy and Randy and Patty and Jim,

Sheryl and Carol, and Gary and Kim,

Kathy and Janet, Tom and Drew,

A boy named Bud, and girls named Sue.

Many, many more too numerous to name,

everyone was waiting to get in the game!

As I look back on those beginning days,

and think of those innocent faces,

A sense of pride fills my heart,

for you finally found your places.

And now that twilight approaches your lives,

you no longer scurry,

as all the honey in the world 

will not make you hurry!

This message I leave you

 before I depart,

The Class of '66 has stolen my heart!



Mr. Merrill Herrick

July 30, 2022


Dennis Sabo  7/31
Karl Bloss  8/17